What Is Concept Art?

Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea for use in films, video games, animation, comic books or other media before it is put into the final product. Concept art is also referred to as visual development and/or concept design.

(source – https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=define%20concept%20art&oq=define%20concept%20art&ie=UTF-8&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.6647j0j7&sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.134052249,d.d24&biw=1920&bih=935&dpr=1&ech=1&psi=-pjrV8HuBYK8UejGiKAM.1475057914395.3&ei=-pjrV8HuBYK8UejGiKAM&emsg=NCSR&noj=1&safe=active&safe=active&gws_rd=ssl)

Other Artists work

John Liberto – Gears of War


This is his Art Station Profile Page with his portfolio.

John Wallin Liberto has worked on titles such as Halo 4, Halo 5, the Gears of War franchise, the Battlefield franchise along with movies like Harry potter 3, Big Fish and more. He currently works as a concept artist for Oculus VR.


This piece of art communicates that the location has been abandoned as something has obviously gone very wrong however there are no signs that someone has tried to repair it. This is a very good concept as the developers clearly agreed with this since the video game it was designed for looks very similar and also communicates that ruin feel of its locations

Ray Lederer – Skyrim


Ray Lederer is now senior concept artist at Bethesda Studios but he began working as a senior artist and animator at Jaleco Entertainment. He then worked at the following companies, IdolMinds, NetDevil and Gas Powered Games as an artist/concept artist before his employment at Bethesda Studios. Ray has worked on 8 Titles and that includes Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. Below is his Art Station Profile/Portfolio.


In this artwork we can see that the artist (Ray Lederer) was attempting a dramatic scene as the character is unleashing their arms, the birds are rushing and the bare is roaring.

Patrick O’Keefe – Dead Space


He is an illustrator and concept artist.

couldn’t find anything about him other then his artwork.


Above we can see that the character is of little importance in this scene due to how small the character is and how much of the canvas is filled by the environment. This environment resembles that of a submarine which is obviously where the artist got the inspiration from.

Ryan Church – Dead Space


This Image resembles that of a hive structure and also it seems that bones have also inspired the artist as he has used what looks like bones as the support beams in this structure.

Feng Zhu – Final Fantasy VII HD, Rocket Town


Ralph McQuarrie – Star Wars


Ralph McQuarrie is a concept artist for movies and has produced artwork for 13 Titles including Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and Raiders of The Lost Arc.