For this project, my class had to create 3 individual models to demonstrate our Maya Modelling skills.

The 3 models we had to create where Luke Skywalkers home on the planet Tatooine, A Space Craft and finally a Droid capable of lifting large heavy objects across Tatooine’s dessert plane.

Below is the rendered image of my Space Craft Concept. Unfortunately, it is unfinished and although it has been materialized it is un-textured and very bland to look at as a result. This has made me realize how important textures really are when creating 3d models.

The image below is the rendered version of my Lifting Droid which also has been materialized without a texture.


Tatooine V3 Final.0001

Above is my Tatooine rendered out and unlike the real Tatooine (and most of my class mates) I decided to make hills and dips in my plane making my rendered image much more appealing to look at. It does have two suns just like the planet Tatooine and that is why the shadow is different from regular shadows.


My TIE Fighter Vol2.0001